Friday, April 17, 2009

Census workers in Southwest MS

Census workers prepare for 2010 Census, reports the Brookhaven Daily Leader.

The decennial census won't be taken for another year, but census workers are now knocking on doors in the area conducting a preparatory survey.

Workers are updating the census bureau's residential address list to provide an accurate database to ensure each home receives an official census questionnaire in April 2010.

"We want to make sure we count everyone once and in the correct place," said Jeff Behler, U.S. Census Bureau deputy regional director for the Dallas Region, which includes Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.

More than 1,300 listers will be canvassing the state during a 10-week operation that began last week, Behler said. The goal is to confirm existing addresses, enter new addresses and delete the addresses of homes than no longer exist.

"We don't target specific counties at a time," he said. "We hit all areas at once."

Behler said the workers would be visiting homes during daylight hours and homeowners may know the person.

"We try to hire locally because they know their area better than anyone else," he said.

Canvassers will provide a "courtesy knock" when they arrive at a residence and may ask a few questions if someone is home, Behler said. However, they will only verify the address and ask about any additional living quarters, such as an apartment over the garage, on the property that may not be visible to the eye.

"We need to make this as accurate as possible," he said. "We only get this opportunity to update the address list every 10 years."

To help with accuracy, census workers will be using hand-held computers equipped with global positioning system mapping software for the first time. The 2000 census was conducted completely on paper.

Census accuracy is important, Behler said, because the information gathered is used to redraw districts in the U.S. Congress and in the distribution of federal funding to state and local governments. The 2010 census is expected to shift several congressional seats across the nation.

Census workers can be identified by an official bureau badge and will display identification cards in the windshields of their vehicles.

Any questions regarding the census or to report inappropriate behavior by workers can be made by calling the bureau at 1-800-563-6499.

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